Silver Butterfly Wings excerpts posted

I am so pleased that an excerpt from my book Silver Butterfly Wings appeared in the Spiritual Media Blog Here is the link:

This excerpt is taken from Chapter 5 –  Slipping Away … and it starts out like this:

I could feel movement in the air, a gentle brushing against my cheek, like a summer breeze. My eyes instinctively flew to the window, but it was closed; sealed shut in this hospital room, as I knew it would be. 

It was subtle, this movement, this change, yet there was no mistake. My skin prickled at this slight, yet sudden shift in energy, as if a hidden signal had been given that something important was about to take place.

I looked at David. He was sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling with each breath, yet something was different. The pattern of his breathing, the rhythm was beginning to change.  

My publishing team is working hard, sending articles and excerpts out, arranging interviews and many other activities before the Publication Date of November 1, 2022.

I must admit it scares me! I’m not used to be in the public eye or having to be in the spotlight. I much prefer writing and connecting with kindred spirits, with others who share views similar to my own. Or, very different points of view. That’s good too, as I feel I learn from every friend, every person who has a different point of view or personal experience. It gives me pause, and more often than not enriches my own perspective.

I’d love to hear your views. Do you write? Do you enjoy being in the public eye?



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