How to start reading palms – for real! It’s one thing to learn, to check out one’s own hand, to giggle over love lines and destiny lines and forks in the road, but to grasp a real client’s hand, study the lines, the shape and texture of the palm, to feel into the energy of the person while on the lookout for body language and sometimes spirit guides who love to tag along on peoples’ shoulders is a little intimidating.

And why do spirit guides always choose shoulders anyway? The better to see you with my dear? Or the better to be seen? I have no idea. I once saw a cow standing at someone’s left side. Not on the floor where a real cow would stand, of course, but kind of in the middle between the floor and her head. So, about her waist I think, and she was sitting down. I figured she’d turn and walk out of my house if I told her, so I said nothing.

I can’t remember why I actually blurted it out later in the reading, but I think she told me that she has always loved cows. They were her totem animals or spirit guides or something. Well, then I had to tell her. And also to admit that I’d withheld that info because I thought she’d think I was losing my marbles.

It’s one thing to learn the science, to practice the art, but quite another to sit face-to-face with a client and give them an accurate reading.

How to start? Where to start?

It just so happened I had recently opened the doors to The Sunflower, a new age bookstore in Montreal. Co-owned with a friend, we sold candles and crystals, books and flower essences, incense and herbal tea (which we brewed a pot of every day and gave out endless cups to whoever entered the shop. That was the thing back in the 90’s)

Why not begin in the back of the shop?  A battered wooden table and a couple of folding chairs were already in place. I could certainly make use of those. It was a quiet spot and seemed perfect.

OK, so far so good. There were plenty of people about – the store was rarely empty. And if they were coming into my shop, they were already in tune with “new age vibes”.

Next question. How much do I charge? Oh, and what happens if I see horrible things? What if I don’t see anything at all? Should I give their money back? Maybe I’d better not charge anything at all (you can see I was beginning to wimp out). Or maybe I should just give away my readings.

“You have to charge something,” Emily, a naturopath advised. “To start the flow of energy.” And as I went along, I found that people did want to pay something or at least do an exchange. I received so many massages and tarot readings that first year, healing treatments and essential oils, moonstones and CD’s; people offering to buy me coffee or bring me a sandwich, or send their friends (which was fine with me).

Still, I struggled a bit with wanting to give away and wanting to receive. After all, I was learning the craft. How could I ask for money? Yet – I had learned a skill, a science based practice and I had paid good money for the classes.

But still, I wasn’t confident enough – yet.

I remember one evening a teenager made her way down to my “corner”. Just curious she told me. “I have no money.”

Then why was she shopping?

“No worries.” I smiled and gave her a quick reading. At the end of the reading, she leaned over and blew out my candle as if making a wish. Not quite sure what she was up to, I sat back and waited, watching her face. But she’d turned in her chair and was fishing around in her jeans pocket. Sheepishly, she pulled out a quarter. Yes a quarter of a dollar – a 25 cent piece.

I laughed and tried to wave it away, but she insisted I take her money.

Another time I sat down with a lawyer. I didn’t know it of course. She was just starting her practice and was concerned about a new romance and also whether she should move to another home. I must have given her the information she needed because once the reading was done, she smoothly pulled out her chequebook and wrote out a check for $100! I nearly fell off my chair.

As time went on, I realized that the actual amount paid for a reading was not as important as the spirit of intention, the exchange, the desire to keep the energy flowing as my naturopathic friend had suggested.


  1. GEORGINA STANSFIELD on March 7, 2019 at 2:06 pm

    I know Wendy well and she is a dear friend of mine. What I love and cherish about her is her honesty and sincerity. I know I will certainly be buying her book.

    • Wendy Willow on March 26, 2019 at 3:02 pm

      Thank you Georgina! You are a good friend.
      Enjoy the book.

  2. Betsy on April 16, 2019 at 11:04 am

    Wendy this new site is AWESOME…. I’m so happy for you and proud of you… Thanks for giving us a link on Facebook.


    • Wendy Willow on April 18, 2019 at 9:11 am

      Thank you Betsy. It is a pleasure to know you, via blogging and FB. You are such a supportive person.
      Sending big cyberhugs,

  3. Dawn on April 18, 2019 at 8:54 am

    Wendy is a beautiful ray of loveliness and light …

    I was fortunate to of had my Palms read and Numerology done with Wendy over a year ago, it was at a time when the scales were more than unbalanced in my life with many things going on, Wendy was amazing and explained a lot to me from where she was reading and what she was seeing. The whole experience over a welcome cup of tea with her gentle, caring energy was one that my soul really needed 🙏

    If you have ever wanted to open yourself to this experience I would encourage you to contact Wendy .. there is no pressure on answers .. So really the only question is … when are you going to make that move ???

    So happy for you Wendy .. Bug Hugs and Love xoxo

    • Wendy Willow on April 18, 2019 at 9:10 am

      Thank you Dawn for your kindness. You are truly a beautiful soul and it is my pleasure to call you my friend.
      I know you will fly in your new life!
      Love and light always.

  4. CJ on May 9, 2020 at 3:25 pm

    Wendy, I relate to your story in so many ways! Learning to trust inner guidance, to trust the messages we receive to help others find their way, and the process of exchange. Thank you for sharing. I had no idea that you offer these wonderful gifts of guidance. I just ordered your book. I feel a strong resonance to what you are sharing. I’d love a free numerology reading. I will message you 🙂

    • Wendy Willow on May 20, 2020 at 5:35 pm

      Hi CJ, so sorry for this late response. Thank you for ordering my book and thank you for our continued energy exchange. You are one vibrant being and I’m proud to call you friend. Big hugs

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